1.2 GHz 4x4 Segmentable Nodes - Fiber Deep or HFC
The ARRIS NC4000 series optical node platform supports a wide range of advanced architectures and is ideal for Fiber Deep and HFC applications. It is designed to provide the utmost reliability, flexibility, and adaptability in an outdoor optical node platform. With an ultra-high output level of up to 64 dBmV (at 1218 MHz) on each of the four RF ports of the OA4xxx RF Output Amplifier, the NC4000 can be used to extend the reach of the coax distribution network.
The flexible and rugged platform is 4x4 segmentable for HFC applications, and 2x2 segmentable in Fiber Deep applications. For the return path, this is achieved using the universal digital return transceiver, the DT4250, supporting multiple modes of operation, a single return ("1‐fer"), dual independent returns ("2‐ fer") or enhanced single return with increased performance and the option to cascade returns. Upstream transmission is enabled with plug-in SFP modules supporting 1310 nm, 1550 nm, and CWDM, or DWDM options, further expanding the deployment of advanced "bandwidth‐hungry" services into fiber‐poor areas while reducing real estate and powering requirements in the field.
The NC4000 supports deployment of a wide range of field‐hardened EDFAs and optical switches for extending fiber reach, routing options, and system reliability. Integrated remote monitoring is provided through the digital return transceiver with remote network management capability, eliminating the added cost of a third‐party status monitoring transponder. The NC4000 optical node platform also supports next‐generation architectures and technologies such as Node PON, Remote PHY, and more, providing a seamless migration to support tomorrow's services.
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